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Is this game completed? I was thinking of giving it a try on my new steam deck


Seems the game is dead, dev said they'd be working on it "soon" back in mid 2022. Hasn't been an update since 2020.


oh hey, this looks cool! i love lewd metroidvania platformers


On another note: If you skip the H-scene with the wolf, he doesn’t give you the green access card, then acts as if he did.

(1 edit) (+7)

Getting a fair share of frustration from the controls and combat:

  • During a jump, you can change direction mid-air by pressing the opposite drection key, but you cannot stop mid-air by releasing the controls; the character just keeps her momentum. This is pretty counter-intuitive, and makes jumping onto small plateforms (e.g: stairs) harder than it should be.
  • The invulberability frames after getting hit is too short; it ends as soon as you’re given back controls. As soon as too enemies get close together, I end up in this situation where one will knock me back into the other, dealing more damage, sometimes knocking me back into the first one, etc…
  • Dashing is pretty useless when it comes to dodgin attack. If you try dodge a projectile, you’re likely to land onto the enemy who shot it. If there are multiple enemies close together you’re even more likely to land onto one. This could be fixed by providing a way to interrupt/shorten a dash, making the invulnerility last a bit longer than the dash, or just making it so these enemies don’t deal damages on mere contact.

Otherwise the game looks pretty neat, so I’m looking forward to more polished controls.

(2 edits) (+3)

Three things. First, I'm getting almost no sound for anything in the game. Just dialogue scrolling and advancement, but not attacking, dashing, jumping, getting hit, saving, getting boned, any of that. Is that expected? It seems strange that these wouldn't even have placeholder sounds.

Second, I'm getting crashes after leaving room #3, the one with a lot of guards, if all the guards are defeated. What, was I not supposed to do that?

Thirdly, for the enemies to not only hurt you when you touch them but throw you way back at the same time, when you have to get close to attack, is incredibly frustrating. You're going to get hit just by trying to run close enough to hit them or dash around to avoid their attacks. Throw in having only 3 hp and it makes me want to just not bother and go play something else. It's not the fun kind of challenge.

I would HIGHLY recommend replacing the death-touch with an actual melee attack of some kind. A shove, a punch, a timed/telegraphed proximity-based energy blast, something other than "get thrown across the room the instant one pixel touches the enemy".

Until such a change is made, I feel like I have to cheese many of the combat encounters (such as by attacking through the floor) if I want to see the story without pulling my hair out, and that isn't as fun as it could be.


Aside from the salt, I do agree with you here. However, since the game isn't done yet, and is planed as a metroidvania type, we can expect some kind of upgrade that would allow the player to attack from afar or a gadget of some sort to widen the player's moveset.

Pretty cool art ! Can I make  aletsplay vidoe of your games ? (knowing that I'm making ads revenue from it juste like any youtubers/porntuber ^^')


Melee only combat with a very short effective range vs enemies with all ranged attacks and touch-on-damage?

That's a recipe for frustration more than for enjoyment.


i think a kid can do a beter game

Deleted 1 year ago

I like what I see so far, lots of good Metroidvania intuition being applied.  While playing, I've encountered some strange issues.  On the 0.0.24 version, I am unable to select the quit to main menu option.  Would it be possible to slow the jump acceleration a bit?  It's a bit hard to predict how powerful it is, and I often get myself killed.  Keep going!  This is a great start!

Fun so far I look forward to seeing more!

so i have no idea what to do after getting the card from the wolf

im genuinely so confused

Before playing this h-game, may I know what kind of erotic contents it contains?

For example, does it contain lesbian, interspecies or gangbangs? What kind of poses or kink does it have, like spitroast, bondage, body writings and etc?

Hi! I don't know if Linux performance is a priority for you right now, but I am experiencing a lot of lag and input delay and frequent crashes running the game through Wine, especially in combat. It's made even the early game very hard to get through. I might be able to give more details but I'm not sure what exactly to look for...


Sprite animations are top notch!

Deleted 279 days ago

When you enter for the first time the cell section, go all left (the left door located at ground level). There's the door you need to open.

Deleted 1 year ago

I'll modify the attack range mechanics and see how it works. Thanks for your insight!


A pretty solid-looking early version. Pixel-art is on-point, movement feels fine (even though a shorter jump/hop would be great) and the regular art is outstanding. However I do feel like the attack's range could be a tiiiiny bit longer, because it feels a little short consider how enemies get to launch projectiles. Another thing that I felt was off is the lack of sound effects, music, but is understandable consider how this is a demo, and I would actually love to help with that. Other than that, very good job, looking forward to how this is going to turn out. 

Yes! Attack range will be modified.

How could you help me with the music?


Glad to hear that it will be modified. And about the music, I could help by composing it if you are interested. In case you are, here is a portfolio:


A truly great looking early version of a game, looking forward to more evolved versions. By way of constructive criticism; the three hits and it's back to the save point is tedious (controls are a little sensitive on a xbox controller, making it easy to get yourself hit). Dialogue content could use some work, too many "...." and "....." sequences. Dialogue delivery feels like a slog, seems like you're waiting for a character to deliver their lines for too long.

   But, great overall first impressions! Keep it up!

Thanks for your insight! It's valuable for Tessa Fate's development.

hi, i really appreciate your efforts to create this game, and i must say i managed to fix it

First of all, I had to go to properties and compatibility, I think I could windows xp service pack 3 or windows 7, I just wanted to leave you this note so you can fix it

I have already played this demo and I must say that I love it, do I use game maker? because the truth is I love unity graphics, and the art is incredibly well done

the gameplay is very good, it even reminds me of the hollow knight, which is one of my favorite games, the setting is very well achieved, mystery, unknowns

and of course counting the great atmosphere of a being called "Boss" ... I love it, the biggest problem is clearly the performance, which not even games like assassins creed 3 was so slow on my laptop

But from the rest, I must say I love it, of course the gameplay on my part was limited by an exsecive drop in frames when leaving the room, much more noticeable in the room where there are many guards

It's probably due to the enemies' AI, but the rest, I really liked the game, I hope you complete it and have good reviews!

(1 edit)

I'm glad you could manage to play the game! I'll use this info to improve the game performance.

I'm currently developing Tessa's Fate on Godot Engine. I used to code on Unity but, due to personal preferences, I looked for an alternative. I found Godot pretty powerful and easy to learn.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Indeed I'm taking inspiration from Hollow Knight. I like mystery and deepness in video games!

I'll be working on performance. For now, I've already uploaded the Web Public version on Newgrounds you can find here:

But, it's a downgraded version, tho.

Thanks for your wishes! 

hello, excuse me ... so far, I have seen that you have a great game, however I missed a rather serious error

You see, what I'm trying to say is that I extracted the file, opened the game, a black window appeared, then I blinked my screen, the game window appeared blank, and it came out that it stopped working


What version of the game are you using? (MacOS or Win)

Im using windows, in one processor intel celeron n2805

(2 edits)

It's the only report related to your problem I've received. I wouldn't know what the problem is.

I can think about two solutions for you, right now.

1) I'll be fixing some minor bugs for the public release. This week I'll be updating the game. Please wait until the release and see if the new build works for you.

2) I'm preparing a Web Public release I'll be launching on Newgrounds. Please wait until I upload this release so you can try the game there. This build release will have not that cool graphics but will be able to show the game mechanics in general (Including the public build leads).

So if you like the idea, I can notify you about the updates by replying this conversation.

Hi I notice the changing in key binds does not apply in the actual gameplay it resets them when starting.

What do you mean? The changing in key binds is done automatically.
If you're playing with a game controller, the tutorials will display keys for the controller. Same for the keyboard.

What are the controls of the game? I'm literally just stuck at the beginning of the game. Pressing E gets past the first dialogue and that's it. A and D don't work until after dialogue I assume so what do I do? Game looks promising and really wanna play. Please help. 

Ah! It’s a bug. Pressing E keyboard key in the first dialogue will crash the game. To skip dialogue press SPACE bar. If you’re using a xbox controller, press A button to skip dialogue.

I’m fixing the bug soon. Thanks for your insight!

Ah thanks really appreciate it. Can't wait to play now!

Wait, so how do you dash? Pressing up on my keyboard doesn't do anything and I even do it while moving. I may just be stupid but I'm confused.

No. Maybe the tutorial isn’t clear enough. I’ll be modifying it. Thanks!

You can dash by pressing Shift key.

Ok thanks! Sorry I’m being very annoying thanks for letting me know!

Deleted 311 days ago

Why is that? To beat the guard, you need to attack her ten times. The guard has 10 points of life.

Deleted 311 days ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Diggitox, thanks a lot for your insights!
I'll be checking the fps thing. Of course, it's valuable information.
Keep an eye on the updates. For the end of the month, I'll be updating the first level. I'll be adding the enemy corresponding lewd drawing CGI.

Ah, an Metroidvania, pixel art, H-game... My favorite type of H game! I'm always a sucker for pixel art, so this game was right up my alley! Based on what little have been made so far, I can certainly say there is a lot of potential for this game. But I am a bit hesitate to support it just yet, considering I don't have much of a idea for what kind of "content" Tessa's Fate will cater towards. Like the lewd stuffs, combat, and other game mechanics. 

Overall, I will definitely keep my eye on this game! I wonder if there will be a Steam release for the game too?...

Legend, I appreciate your words!
Take your time to know the project.
I'm currently working by myself on this game, so things go slowly, but consistently.
I'm posting updates on Twitter and Discord. Don't hesitate to take a look.

Since the project is in a very early stage of development, I haven't thought about launching the game on Steam. But I have it in mind.

Oh I see! Thanks for telling me, I shall check those out!

I do wonder though, what fetishes will be included in the game? Such as... how much girl on girl and man on girl action will there be and how varied (like mostly female on female or female on male)? Will there be "monster sex"? Or will it be only with humanoids? 

Oh! And will there be NPCs of some sort?... I know that in some of my most favorite pixel art h games, there is occasionally NPC sex, like in one where you need to free the girl or boy from a enemy that is smexing them!

For the first part of the game, Tessa, the main character, will interact with humanoids and machines (the prison level).

But, in the World of Tessa, I'm planning to introduce anthropomorphic animals.

And of course! There will be NPCs! And I'm planning to introduce lewd scenes with them.

Oh I see! Nice! So there will be machine sex too? Roughly, how much of the animations will be with humans/humanoids compared to machines/animals? 

Wait... isn't anthropomorphic animals basically humanoids too?

Neato! Will there be NPCs you can talk to and make allies? Or will the game be only Tessa?